Keeping it fresh, organic and local

Protect against disease

The scientist Colin Campbell spent 20 years looking for a link between diseases and nutrition. He studied the diets of millions of people and found that fruits and vegetables help to prevent many diseases.
The rutin, or vitamin P, found in citrus fruits, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, inhibiting the development of atherosclerosis, and improves cardiovascular function. Aubergines and courgettes reduce blood pressure. Thyrokinins in carrots, cabbage, and lettuce improve thyroid function. Beets are rich in betaine, which prevents the aging of liver cells. Apples, abundant in pectin, help eliminate harmful cholesterol.
The list goes on and on: each plant has more than one healthful property. And eating vegetables regularly has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer by as much as 30 per cent.

Improve your eyesight

Who doesn’t know the famous joke about rabbits and glasses. But the eye benefits of carrots are no joke – the beta-carotene in the bright carrot combats macular degeneration of the retina and cataracts. Fruits rich in vitamin C – such as bell peppers, citrus fruits, watermelons and tomatoes – protect the retina from damage. Pumpkin, cabbage and spinach – champions of lutein – help improve vision, while avocados and other plants rich in vitamin E are great for preventing cataracts.

Boost your mood

Research has proven that people who eat more fruits and vegetables are less prone to depression. That’s because they contain antioxidants, folic acid and selenium, which boost the production of the mood hormone serotonin. Some of the most effective natural “antidepressants” are beans, citrus fruits, spinach, romaine lettuce, bananas and apples.
The consumption of raw fruit and vegetables is particularly beneficial, experts from the University of Otago in New Zealand have stated. In the study, they found that subjects who ate the fruit raw had higher levels of psychological well-being than those who consumed cooked fruit and vegetables.

Making you smarter

Food for the mind is not only good books. A variety of fruits and vegetables are also very good for the brain. This is especially important for those who are engaged in mental work, as well as for the elderly. The antioxidants in fruits prevent damage to brain cells and are an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Doctors consider apples, pears and apricots to be the best brain "helpers" (they are rich in iron, which helps saturate the brain with the oxygen it needs to function properly), carrots rich in luteolin (a compound that reduces age-related memory deficits and the risk of inflammatory brain diseases), beetroots (they are high in iodine, iron and glucose), and cabbage and spinach (they supply brain cells with iron, vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid).

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